Looking for something different for your table this Spring? Here is a quick and easy suggestion.
You will need:
A wire basket or a low metal container-elongated shape
3 pint canning jars
A variety of small blossomed brightly colored silk flowers and light grasses
1-2 crocheted doilies- whether family treasures or from the Dollar store.
White, flat spray paint
Fine grit sand paper
1/2 inch wide ribbon (optional)
dried moss (optional)
What to do:
spray paint the canning jars white, let them dry then lightly sand spots on the lettering, the top rim or other places that please your eye to age them
cut three lengths of ribbon and tie them in a bow around the neck of the jars. Stabilize the ribbon with a dot of hot glue if needed.
cut your flower stems in different lengths and fill the jars adding a few pieces of grass in three places at slightly different heights.
If you are using a wire basket then line the bottom with moss.
place your basket on the crocheted doilies in the center of your table and put the 3 jars inside the basket.
You can add small votive candles at the base of the jars or lay a few left over flower sprigs here and there on the moss if you like.
Your table will look as fresh and lovely as Spring.