You can live your life without Jesus. You can run everything your own way. You can try to control every person and circumstance that comes into your life. So how's that been working for you? Recently there have been a lot of things coming our way in this world that have been pretty uncontrollable (should I mention the year 2020?) and it looks like a lot more is
coming. Have you noticed the thinning and even bare grocery shelves?
But the Lord Jesus and Father God have made some great tools for us for our protection and ability to handle the uncontrollable. The first I'd like to mention is THE NAME of the Lord. God has a whole bunch of names that describe His character and attributes like The God Who Sees, The God Who Hears, The God Who Heals, The God Who Provides, Comforter, Counselor, The Father Who Sticks With You (Everlasting), The Prince Who
Gives and is Peace and many, many more. You can buy charts and paintings with His many names on them. Proverbs 18:10 says, " The name of the Lord is a strong tower, the righteous run into it and are safe."
The next tool that goes with God's names are God's promises. He promises to hear the cry of the humble, to feed His children, to guide them with a quiet voice and again many, many more. You can find lists of God's promises that are correlated to specific problems. But being faithful to read God's Word daily will help you to find more. His Spirit can guide you to the very promise you need as you faithfully read His word. Numbers 23:29, "God is not a man the He should lie, nor a son of man, that He should repent; has he said and will He not do it? Or has He spoken and will He not make it good?" You can count on His promises and remind Him of them just like a child does!
Sometimes when there is a run of similar accidents or bad occurrences it is an attack on you and your family by demonic powers. There is a huge move among many groups right now to revive Satanic worship and rituals. These empower the demonic forces and they may try to go after you and your family. At this point the NAME and THE BLOOD OF JESUS is your power and defense. Philippians 2:10 "...that at the name of Jesus every knee shall bow of those who are in heaven, and on earth and under the earth." Matthew 18:18 "...whatever you shall bind on earth shall be bound in heaven; and whatever you shall loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven." You say out loud (Satan and demons can't read your mind) "In the name and blood of Jesus I bind you attacking demonic forces and I set free my family from your attack. Now get out of here!" You may need to do this more than once to get complete freedom but you will find an immediate change will happen for the good.
Did you know that believers and followers of Jesus have angels they can call on for help? Hebrews 1:13,14 tells us that. I've asked for Angel help many times; when some guys were coming after me on a dark New York City side street, when a bear wouldn't get off my porch and quit looking in my french doors, even when Sandie my daughter and I were having trouble with the office computer we asked for angels from the technical department in heaven to come help and immediately the computer started working right again. Yes, we have personal guardian angels that are given to us at birth as well as access to the help of other angels when needed. But we have to ask for them to come.
And then of course there is wonderful Psalm 91. There are so many promises in that one Psalm you'll just have to read and claim them for yourself. In 2020 there was much comparison of that disease to the world wide flu epidemic of 1918. My great grandmother was surrounded with neighbors dying around her from that flu but she claimed Psalm 91:10 every day "... nor will any plague come near your dwelling." And none of her family got sick at all. We have claimed this for our family as well and have all come through this time healthy even with Lew's travels all over the country.
So to you who are trying to handle it all yourselves, my deepest sympathies. But you who have given your lives to Jesus? Use your tools and be joyful in His protection!