"I just wish I could have a little peace in my house!" This cry I have heard from many parents. When children are "at each other" so much of the time and the noise levels rise into ear splitting decibels. The nervous system of a parent can only take so much. I have a few ideas to help bring peace into the chaos.
Music is the first issue to deal with. I have studied the effects of various styles of music for over thirty years and there are very clear rules about how music affects us. Music is so powerful that it can cause the body to react in certain ways despite what the mind is telling it. Music goes right past the mind to the soul, the nervous system and the circulatory system. This is to our advantage as parents if we educate ourselves and use it effectively. Most "children's music", though intended to make children happy, has the effect of riling them up to a frenzy instead. If you are trying to stimulate your child into a whirlwind, then keep playing it. BUT if you are looking for a "little peace", I would suggest a different strategy. Harp music, especially traditional hymns played by the harp has great power to bring a soothing atmosphere to a home. Hymns have the power to actually re-program the synapses of the brain into proper order and organization. The tones and vibrations of a harp actually soothe the nervous system. I know many families who have discovered that playing harp hymns toward the evening meal time and even as the children are put to bed brings peace and causes the children to go to sleep quickly.
Activities should also be carefully chosen toward evening. Videos, TV, and video games stir up rather than calm a child's brain but reading or being read to settles it. This is because of the quick technical changes in the former and very few technical changes in books other than page turning and looking at the new picture. Pick your story to be pleasant and happy but not overly active in its theme. Working on a puzzle is also a good activity and difficulty in puzzles can be chosen for several age groups. Or the whole family can work together on a big one if you have a card table that can be set up and left up in the corner of a room for several days.
When a child is overly tired he may wind up tighter and tighter, spinning completely out of control. If a young child is trained to go to sleep on command, as I have explained before, then it is easy to put him to bed for an afternoon nap. Even a grade school aged child profits from an afternoon siesta during holidays and summer break. The older child may be allowed to read in bed but must remain quiet and reading not gaming or texting. You will be surprised how many times you will find them asleep after a while. A rested child is much more cooperative and the parent who has had a break is much more tolerant of childish noise. Be very careful that you do not make your home "child centered" instead of "character centered". A "child centered" home destroys a child's security and character and therefore also his future success.
May peace reign in your home!