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family, surrender, vision
I will take the step of "YES" with God.

Every family needs to have a vision and purpose beyond themselves that challenges each member of the family. One of the tools we use for our children and grandchildren is listening to stories of martyrs and missionaries who have gone before us. We also use watching movies and evaluating the characters' standards and choices and results of those. These are fun and entertaining ways to give our children vicarious experiences from which to learn wisdom. We hope this will better prepare them to prevent personal mistakes that will derail their destinies as God wrote them down.

Talking together about the purpose and vision for our family and also the very meaning of the name, Sterrett which is "Trusted Servant of the King", helps us all to evaluate our NOW choices in the light of FUTURE purpose and success. When cowboys hire on to a ranch, they are expected to ride for the brand of that ranch. Whatever that brand stands for is what the cowboy stands for in loyalty.

With that in mind I recently had two beautifully mounted posters made to hang in our house and our grandchildren's house.

Its background is a beautiful picture of Lew riding one of his horses. The title across the top says, "The Sterrett Brand" and down each side is written six vows each member of our family has made.

1) I will take the step of "Yes" with God.

2) I will be bold.

3) I will do the hard thing.

4) I will be thorough with all my heart.

5) I will follow the law of love.

6) I will never give up.

I got this idea from a movie we all watched together called, "The Free Burma Rangers" If you have older children or grandchildren I would highly recommend that you watch it together. This story is a powerful challenge to any family of commitment to serving God and others and finding true purpose and fulfillment in doing so.

Do you know your brand and are you riding for it?

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